Abbey House Privacy Notice

What data we have

As part of our work providing high-quality care and support, it might be necessary that we store the following information about you:

  • Your basic details and contact information e.g. your name and address; phone number.

Why we have this data

We store this data to ensure we can contact you to share information about your relative either on a day to day basis or in an emergency.

We do this face to face, via phone, via email, via our website, via post or third parties.

We may also need to share this information with third parties. These may include:

  • Other parts of the health and care system such as local hospitals, the GP, the pharmacy, social workers, clinical commissioning groups, and other health and care professionals;
  • The Local Authority;
  • The police or other law enforcement agencies if we have to by law or court order.

Your rights

The data that we keep about you is your data and we ensure that we will keep it confidential and that it is used appropriately. We retain our data in line with the Information Governance Alliance’s guidelines (

We will also explain clearly to you what we need the data for and how you can withdraw your consent. If you require any further information please see the manager.

If you would like to complain about how we have dealt with your data, in the first instance please contact: Mrs Christine Herridge at 12 Linden Road Bedford MK40 2DA. If a satisfactory solution is not reached you can take your complaint to:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane